Intech Systems Corp - Excellence and Innovation
Our growing managed services portfolio includes several globally standardised managed services products in specific technology domains – including networks, data centres, security, communications and collaboration and contact centres. We can also offer custom managed services based on your specific requirements, delivered through our IT outsourcing capabilities. We’re constantly building our list of standardised services through the skills, experience and methods we gain over time.
Our corporate timeline traces the organization’s growth, from the early days of product development to our present focus on business integration.
Customer-centric Engagement Model
We build our teams around your domain and technology requirements, offering specialized services and solutions that meet the distinct needs of your business.
Our deep-set commitment to our customers defines how we do business, and our years of experience working across industries underpin the vast array of services we offer.
Information Technologies Services
As a leader, you must continuously cope with ongoing change—whether transforming your business to take advantage of new market opportunities, restructuring to improve operational efficiency, or responding to new regulations and risks.
Security Systems & Technologies
We service these contracts with the diversified support of our various certifications, thereby enabling our clients to meet their small business enterprise goals.
Integrated security essentially brings to life the concept of convergence of physical security with IT.